From: | sp.amix |
Date: | 9 May 2001 at 21:06:20 |
Subject: | Re: The List, the Universe and Everything |
On 02 May 01, at 11:01+0100, Thomas wrote:
> Behold, for I hath returned from the land of the lurkers.
wb !
> Now, yonks ago we were discussing the possibility of a website for the
> list. Sadly, this sorta died out and never got too far, but I'd like to
> revive it if there's still interest, and a community to keep it alive.
So you changed your opinion ? Nice to hear that. I still have the project
on my HDD. Sadly I never had the motivation to do it all on my own. I was
in need of a good graphics-artist but never knew who to ask.
So, what I have done so far is quite nice:
List of all available ARexx documentation (known to me) along with links.
The same for functions libraries.
The same for libraries making it easier adding an arexx port to your
The same for ARexx developer-environments.
The same for ARexx compilers and mashers.
I begun a tutorial. It has these chapters now (might be some more, I am
not at home)
(MUIRexx, STDIO use (multipart, console and stacking),
setting up your own ARexx port in ARexx, making
clever use of jump-points, using you own config files (several
approaches), writing application macros (4 beginners), accessing mSQL,
overview of often used lib-calls, exploring the way ARexx deals with
functions (includes hunt for them in REXX: etc.) thus describing ARexx
as modular language, and probably some more.)
I begun a workshop (building an ARexx project while making use of the
A long time ago I asked Alfonso Ranieri, if he'd like to contribute the
one or other tutor (personally I'd like to see rxsocket and rxmui along
with the child-macroing and vars-sharing, but that is up to him). Who
knows, maybe he is still willing ? Alfonso ?
There is also a link-list.
There is some general whereabout concerning ARexx.
What I have planned:
Complete ARexx documentation (including all libs' docs) online,
searchable (XML/SQL (Python or perl could be used on server-side) ?).
This database would also be used throughout the tutorials.
Frontend to search the mailing-list archives (one stop).
What is completly missing ATM:
Gfx (I _tired_ to do a logo ;-))
Style (the document looks crap, I am not sure about a color scheme but
thought on royal (rexx) blue or a good arrangement of grey with mint or
yellow elements)
CGI-Scripts (web-document search, ARexx-documentation search, mail-
notify, news-handling)
Valid Navigation Concept (dynamic HTML)
Javascript (this might be nice for making the navigation more powerful)
CSS (I planned to make the document easy for console based text
browsers and add style by use of CSS)
Don't get scared off by terms like Javascript and dynamic HTML.
All I thought was being able to build pages with search results and
having a little row on the top which represents the actual location within
the document as well as allows to navigate. It could look like this
(assuming you are on a tutor-page):
Home Workshop STDIO
'Home' would be a link to the top level of the document (AKA index.html)
'Workshop' would lead to the TOC of the workshop.
'STDIO' would be plain text, as it is the current document.
On some place near I'd like to add a Javascript-made Quick-Jump menu.
Here it would list all sub-chapters of the 'Workshop' portion.
Also a PREV and NEXT element should be somewhere. Ugh, you see, this
will get a little complicated since I believe that it is neccessary to keep a
web-document easy to navigate and to overview easily but not on xost of
the contents. Of course, Javascript would not be a requirement, it would
only add the one or other functionality.
> I can provide hosting and can also deal with development, but I think
> it's worthwhile discussing it first.
Well, the mailing-list still exists ? ;-) It was nice way back then.
> For a start, let's face it - the community's small and isn't getting
> bigger. Interestingly, the list has retained a pretty constant
> membership of around 150 since it was set up, but still, I can see the
> userbase being a bit on the small side.
Not of importance. Five people having fun is five people having fun.
> So what can be done about this? How about a generic Amiga developers
> site covering everything from ARexx to C, E, Rebol, web development,
> API's and so on? The site would be entirely community driven, and
> include discussion groups, tutorials, code libraries and links.
Such a Super-Site would be nice, of course. However, I would
recommend to host the projects on their own 'within' this site.
So each document (ARexx, Rebol, C, etc.) would have its own face but
being 'inlined' with the super site, which offers global indizies and such.
But - This is much work. For me, ARexx will be enough.
A little thing: I do not think anything else would be suited as site-name
than: ARexx.Org :-) This is how I named the document anyhow.
ARexx.Com is out of discussion, IMO. ARexx is not a company and we
don't ask for money.
I am _absolutly_ not familiar with such domain-registrations (costs,
procedure, whom to ask best)
> That is, if it's worth the effort..
Such things are. They do not bring money. But the bring fun. Believe me,
if I'd have more time, the document already would exist.
However, I am working on a much more complex project (also involves
ARexx :-)), so there is no time left. I will create a basic document out of
the elements I have written so far, if there should be the demand for it.
It is still set up as multiple developer project. At the moment I think it is
registered in RCS for three or four developers. It is held in HSC !!!
The benefit of HSC is that it makes a large document easyly
maintainable, once you figured out HSC and set up the Makefile and
As soon as I am at my Amiga again I will rework it a little (removing
stylish elements, replacing them by CSS, while keeping good look for
Amiga browsers), but I won't change it from HSC to anything else.
However, I will try to make all as easy as possible. Many things I used
HSC for can be replaced by CSS. The project is put under RCS
completly. It requires an installation of HSC, HWGRCS, GNU Make and a
project-dir as well as the developer's home-dir.
I am not familiar with CVS, but I think it should be considered. That
would allow for easy addings of users, even if they do not want to get
involved, but want to correct typos or add one or other element.
I _might_ be able to host 'ARexx.Org' and set up a majordomo even, and
if it would be for replacing the EGroups list. However, this is only an
idea yet and I would have to ask my host about it.
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